The COI Fee for Service Naturopathic Clinic in Corvallis provides access to primary care. This clinic combines integrative and traditional medicine, with emphasis on optimal health and healing as well as maintaining an individualized patient-physician relationship. The clinic is staffed by Dr. Usha Honeyman, D.C., N.D., who will provide quality care and a medical home to patients with limited access to health care. Fees are at a reduced rate with the option for patients to bill their own insurance if they qualify.
Dr. Honeyman, D.C., N.D., DABCI has been practicing in Corvallis since 1987. She is licensed and trained as a primary care provider. She graduated from the National College of Natural Medicine in 2008, received a chiropractic internist Diplomat from Texas Chiropractic College in 1997 and graduated from Logan College of Chiropractic in 1986. Dr. Honeyman combines alternative and Western medicine. In her spare time, she enjoys kayaking, gardening and her grandchildren.
By appointment only. Please call to schedule.
Clinics are only offered in Corvallis at
Community Outreach Inc.
865 NW Reiman Ave.
Corvallis, OR 97330
Office: (541) 758-3000 ext. 110 Fax: (541) 758-3481
The clinic is only offered by appointment only on the 3rd Friday of each month from 8:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Patients must call 541-758-3000 ext. 110 to schedule appointments.
New Patient Visit: $100 (50 minutes)
Follow Up Appointments: $50
All services provided are payable at the time of the visit. (The clinic does not accept insurance payment but provides receipt to patient for billing insurance directly.)